
Showing posts from December, 2022

5 S's Care For Wavy Clip Ins Hair Extensions

Essential Care Tips For Flawless Wavy Clip In Extensions Getting ready to rock your new style flawlessly is crucial because maintaining curly and wavy extensions differs slightly from maintaining straight extensions. Before starting, remember that any curly or wavy hair needs moisture! Because extensions don't get all of the oils your scalp produces, they are already drier than natural hair. Whether it is simple, short, or long hairstyles, let your it set off perfectly, knowing how to wear and care for your clip ins hair extensions . Here are the 5 Ss of prepping and maintaining wavy hair: S1. Showering A heavy-duty, moisturizing conditioner should be used in between shampoos, and try to only shampoo once or twice per week. Combing your hair while the conditioner is still in it makes it easier to remove tangles and evenly distribute the conditioner. A styling cream after you shower is a great way to keep the moisture in. S2. Silicones Using silicone-containing products on clip hair